Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

Postby Mairon » 30 Apr 2020, 13:36

Hi Emmanuel,
Concerning the most recent update me and my friend have some questions: In the new update, the short acceleration speed isn't related with topspin stat anymore, the guy with low lift now have same short accel if not faster, while before, the more you had spin the better and faster were your short accel, was this an intended change or a bug?

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Re: A question about the Short Acceleration in the recent up

Postby manutoo » 01 May 2020, 07:01


so 3 things :
- the last update lowered the speed bonus for the Short Acceleration when the Precision skill is above the Power skill ; it also lowered the speed handicap when the Precision is below the Power ; so there's nothing about the topspin
- still with the last update, now if you don't center the ball in your racket, you don't get that speed bonus
- and since nearly forever, the short acceleration speed rule is that the more spin there's in the ball, the lower the fastest possible speed of the strike is

However, when the ball has low spin and is struck low, it's physically impossible for the ball to land short if its speed is too high, so the engine lowers your strike speed till it's possible.

So if you hit a low ball with a low topspin skill player, then the ball won't be able to go too fast, so it didn't enjoy the speed bonus from the Precision vs Power. So lowering it isn't visible in that case.
It is visible when you have a high topspin because your strike speed wasn't limited by physics.

However, if the ball is struck high enough, you'll get the speed bonus even when your topspin skill is low, and it might be even faster than when struck with a high topspin skill.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

Postby Safina » 02 May 2020, 13:35

Not a good update I think because there was skill to hit short accel in the run. Now match take forever between good players :roll:

Re: Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

Postby pro10 » 06 May 2020, 14:12

Matches online are too long now... Real tennis average rally is generally below 5 or 6 shots, but online it's 15 now between good runners.

Re: Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

Postby cpaqmoi » 06 May 2020, 16:38

Great update manuto, good job. It is great to see that you still improve the game after 7 years. Now the game is more realist

Maybe acceleration need a rework

Re: Short Acceleration changes in the recent update ?

Postby manutoo » 07 May 2020, 06:53

players from the official Tour didn't complain ; the ones from the Chinese Tour didn't complain either ; the ones just playing the original TE didn't complain either.
So who can complain like this..? :blackeye:
If you have some issues with your Mod, fix them. :aureola: (and if you need recommendations, I'm around)

it was not an improvement ; it was an exploit (*) fixing. :)
Improvements are for TE4... :yes:

(*) : lowering the power was making the Short Strike & Short Acceleration faster and significantly more effective, to the point you could almost just spam them and do nothing else and beat much stronger players who didn't enjoy such setup.
== Mana Games ==

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